
AP Workflow Automation on display at CFMA 2009 Caesars Palace, Las Vegas

In 1981, New Jersey CPA David Casey founded the Construction Financial Management Association (CFMA) to provide a forum for gathering and exchanging ideas as well to provide educational programs for construction finance professionals.  CFMA has since transformed from a small regional association into a national organization with over 7,000 members including


Welcome back, 2009 promises to be a busy year

I hope everyone had a fabulous holiday break!  Here in Portland we were blessed (some might choose other adjectives) with a white Christmas.  Portland typically has a very temperate climate thanks to its proximity to the ocean, however this December we were inundated with snow.  The winter blast provided the local kids with some...


Kodak scanning with enterprise document management highlighted CMAA conference

Have you built a large skyscraper, power plant, or piece of transportation infrastructure lately? Where I just returned from was a gathering of professionals who do just that, and more. And, as they are quick to mention... building big things requires a big amount of "paperwork" and work processes. From the moment an idea is born to the day its...


US subsidiary meets J-SOX compliance using Document Locator

Investing in document management can help your company meet the challenges of today and tomorrow as the following story illustrates. One of ColumbiaSoft’s real estate investment customers recently expanded their use of Document Locator to meet additional compliance regulations.  The customer originally deployed...


Document management drives successful nuclear quality assurance audits

So here's a recent success story worth a mention: A manufacturing company that implemented Document Locator into their Quality department received a higher return on investment than they anticipated. The process resulted in the company receiving...


Email archiving, document delivery, Acrobat integration, more in latest Document Locator release

After nine months of planning, coding, QA testing, and Beta evaluations... the big day is finally here: Today ColumbiaSoft released its ninth edition of our document management software - Document Locator Version 5.2. For those who are interested in: Email...


Weekly Web Demos Give First Hand Look at Document Management

When considering new enterprise software, demos are almost always a step in the process. Very few people ever buy an ERP system, or deploy a CRM system, without first kicking the tires. Document management usually falls in the same category... And we agree, it's good to see and learn before you buy. That's why we hold...


V5.2 Preview Digital Signatures with Adobe Acrobat

When Document Locator v5.2 is made available, some new bells and whistles are included that existing and prospective customers have requested. I could certainly go into endless detail about the various product enhancements that have been added or mention the notably increased performance made against our internal benchmarks, but not today. Rather I...