Tag - integration

Webinar: Efficient e-Plan Reviews Using File Automation and Bluebeam

Webinar: Efficient ePlan Reviews Using File Automation and Bluebeam

69% Reduction in Manual Tasks

Join us for an informative 30-minute session on ways to improve the efficiency of ePlan review procedures and eliminate as much as 69% of manual tasks using intelligent file management software connected with Bluebeam Studio Revu.

From the point in time when permit files arrive, through review and approval, and to...

CALCO 2021 Conference

ePlan Review Automation Takes Center Stage at CALBO Conference 2021

Document Locator and UChapter2 to showcase ePlan review automation at annual gathering of California building officials.

Top building department officials from around California gathering at this year’s CALBO Summer Conference in Newport Beach will see first-hand how to improve the efficiency of ePlan reviews with permit file automation connected to Bluebeam. Document Locator and


In our customer’s shoes

Developing software applications that solve real-world problems requires getting to know your market space. For software companies this typically involves aggregating data from a number of sources including customers, support personnel, enhancement requests, sales staff, and post-mortems from consulting engagements. While there is no doubt that normal requirements gathering techniques help, there is no better way to understand your customers’...


V5.2 Preview Digital Signatures with Adobe Acrobat

When Document Locator v5.2 is made available, some new bells and whistles are included that existing and prospective customers have requested. I could certainly go into endless detail about the various product enhancements that have been added or mention the notably increased performance made against our internal benchmarks, but not today. Rather I...


FIATECH – day two

Random notes: Lots of talk today about ISO 15926, which is the data integration standard initiative for FIATECH. Here’s how FIATECH describes the standard: “ISO 15926 is an International Standard for the representation of lifecycle information for process plants, including oil and gas production facility. This is specified by a generic, conceptual data model that is...