
Automating change order processing in construction and engineering

It's common among companies in many different types of industries to have their own particular processes that are unique to their line of business. For instance, construction and engineering companies contend with "change orders". In an upcoming 20-minute webinar, solution engineer Dave Howell will be presenting a way to control and document the process in an online change order demo....


Going paperless has some real advantages

Studies have shown that the average office worker uses as much as 10,000 sheets of paper a year. Where does all that paper go? It's thrown away, filed away, shuffled among co-workers, and shipped around in slow, costly, delivery processes.  So, going paperless has some real advantages, and here is just a few examples... First, it eliminates hard dollar costs. Not just...


A Get-Started Demo of Version Control

A standardized system for version control is a great way to improve collaboration, and increase accountability. Here's a new short video demo on the topic. Learn more: What is Version Control For more videos on version control and document management check out the Document Locator YouTube channel.


Weekly Web Demos Give First Hand Look at Document Management

When considering new enterprise software, demos are almost always a step in the process. Very few people ever buy an ERP system, or deploy a CRM system, without first kicking the tires. Document management usually falls in the same category... And we agree, it's good to see and learn before you buy. That's why we hold...