
Going paperless has some real advantages

Studies have shown that the average office worker uses as much as 10,000 sheets of paper a year. Where does all that paper go? It's thrown away, filed away, shuffled among co-workers, and shipped around in slow, costly, delivery processes.  So, going paperless has some real advantages, and here is just a few examples... First, it eliminates hard dollar costs. Not just...


Kodak scanning with enterprise document management highlighted CMAA conference

Have you built a large skyscraper, power plant, or piece of transportation infrastructure lately? Where I just returned from was a gathering of professionals who do just that, and more. And, as they are quick to mention... building big things requires a big amount of "paperwork" and work processes. From the moment an idea is born to the day its...


Kodak and ColumbiaSoft team to provide document management from paper to paperless

Document management is a term that pre-dates the digital era. There was time... long, long ago, when the term was more relevant to filing cabinets, routing file folders, off-site document warehouses, and other relics of a paper-driven world. Ask someone today what they think of when they hear the word "document management" and it...