Tag - construction document management

AP Workflow Automation on display at CFMA 2009 Caesars Palace, Las Vegas

In 1981, New Jersey CPA David Casey founded the Construction Financial Management Association (CFMA) to provide a forum for gathering and exchanging ideas as well to provide educational programs for construction finance professionals.  CFMA has since transformed from a small regional association into a national organization with over 7,000 members including


Top 5 Document Management Solutions

From time to time, members of our team here at ColumbiaSoft are called on by various magazines and other media publications to contribute articles extending their knowledge of document management. For those in the construction industry in particular, you may be interested in the latest article by ColumbiaSoft product manager Scott Zieg who writes in Modern Contractor Solutions about...


Kodak scanning with enterprise document management highlighted CMAA conference

Have you built a large skyscraper, power plant, or piece of transportation infrastructure lately? Where I just returned from was a gathering of professionals who do just that, and more. And, as they are quick to mention... building big things requires a big amount of "paperwork" and work processes. From the moment an idea is born to the day its...