Author - Jim Kemp

Save on printing costs

So much ballyhoo was made recently about the University of Wisconsin's novel cost-cutting measure: Changing the default font in their email system from the standard Arial typeface to Century Gothic. They discovered that Century Gothic is a lighter, thinner font that uses about 30% less ink than Arial when printed. As news of the university's discovery streamed over the radio, the...


Here's some interesting facts about paper…

I read somewhere recently that the Environmental Paper Network (an organization with a "treatise that is meant to unify the efforts of environmental organizations in advancing environmental and social responsibility within the paper production and consumption cycle") has calculated that if businesses were to cut their paper usage by 10%, it would reduce by 1.6 million tons the amount of...


Document management and the What’s In It For Me factor

Electronic document management systems are not unlike other enterprise software applications in that they can sometimes face hurdles when first gaining acceptance. Best to tackle this challenge quick. One of the practical recommendations we advise customers when rolling out document management is to communicate the "what's in it for me" message. First, listen and ask people what they would like out of a document...


Wishing all a Happy Holidays, paperlessly.

Every year ColumbiaSoft, like so many corporations, is eager to extend a cheerful holiday "best wishes" to customers and friends. It's a way of showing our gratitude and appreciation, and just staying in touch. But being a developer of electronic document management software, it just doesn't fit our style to send paper cards the old fashioned way via the post office....


Six month document management ROI

There are about as many ways to calculate ROI on a document management system as there are ways to use the software in various aspects of daily business. But for Shannon Puaokalani at Pacific Northwest Collections, the cost-justification turned out to be a simple equation. "Before using Document Locator, each person in the department spent approximately two hours a day dealing...


Lost in the filing cabinet

One of the unexpected "surprises" we hear from people all the time when they go paperless and scan the contents of their filing cabinets into a document management system is that they can suddenly find all sorts of files they thought were lost. Filing cabinets are notoriously bad when it comes to document storage. They are simple things with no brain....


ColumbiaSoft is moving, with no worries for document storage

Moving a company headquarters office from one location can trigger discussions on all manner of topics, from how close one department is located to another, to how much of that expensive real estate is allocated to document storage. Fortunately for us, the latter discussion over document storage space will not be an issue when we make our big move in just...


Records Management Principles

I noticed today that ARMA - the national association of Records Managers and independent authority on all things records management related, was getting some attention on their Generally Accepted Recordkeeping Principles (GARP). I thought that readers here might be interested as well. For anyone developing policy, putting together a new operational plan, or just interested in the concepts behind records...


Automating change order processing in construction and engineering

It's common among companies in many different types of industries to have their own particular processes that are unique to their line of business. For instance, construction and engineering companies contend with "change orders". In an upcoming 20-minute webinar, solution engineer Dave Howell will be presenting a way to control and document the process in an online change order demo. Dave...