ColumbiaSoft is moving, with no worries for document storage

Posted by: Jim Kemp Category: Newsroom, Resources Tags: , , , ,

Moving a company headquarters office from one location can trigger discussions on all manner of topics, from how close one department is located to another, to how much of that expensive real estate is allocated to document storage.

Fortunately for us, the latter discussion over document storage space will not be an issue when we make our big move in just a few months.

That’s right, in just a few months time ColumbiaSoft will be moving a short distance to larger, more spacious digs with room to grow our document management brain trust, and expand our on-site training facilities. (But, it’s not the extra space that solves our document storage dilemma.)

From our own experience in helping customers who are on the move, we know that document storage is a common topic when office  locations change. We hear it all time: “We’re moving, and we don’t want to waste space at our new location for document storage and filing cabinets.”

Our answer, of course, is always the same: document management software.

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