Tag - records management

HR document management Case Study-Vallarta - Document Locator

How HR Document Management Keeps Employee Files Organized at A Leading Retailer

This HR Document Management Case Study reveals how Vallarta Supermarkets saves time filing and organizing HR records, and has gained the flexibility to change other HR systems while maintaining file organization.

Vallarta Supermarkets, with 50 locations across southern California, has solved its dilemma of spending too much time searching for HR files in order to comply with internal and external audits....


Consistency and Accountability in HR Record Keeping

As an HR leader, consistency and accountability are two factors that are critical to how your HR records are managed. They are foundational to your work, and overarching in importance.

Centralize HR records in an electronic document management system
Aggregate, organize, store, and control HR records in accordance with your business’s rules and in a way that makes sense...

PHRMA Luncheon Workshop-Paper HR Files to Electronic - Document Locator

Project Considerations When Moving from Paper HR Files to Electronic

Key takeaways from PHRMA’s January 2019 Luncheon + Workshop: HR Project Success Factors - The Five Factors You Need On Every Project

PHRMA’s luncheon + workshop on January 16 covered some critical elements that are valuable when considering a project to move from paper files to electronic for HR records.  Eric Verzuh gave a very engaging presentation of...


Our Sponsor Table at The ARMA Information Governance Seminar 2017

ColumbiaSoft attended the ARMA Information Governance Seminar in SeaTac Thursday April 27. We were a sponsor of the event, and we had a table at the event showcasing our ‘paperless records management’ solution in windows using Document Locator software. ARMA is an international organization https://www.arma.org/ , and the event was put on by the three Northwest Washington...


10 Records Management Tips for Electronic Records Day 2016


In recognition of Electronic Records Day on October 10th 2016, we would like to share this list of 10 electronic records management tips to help you successfully manage your electronic records in 2016.

  The Council of State Archivists has declared October 10 the day to raise awareness about electronic records management. Please see a direct quote from them below. “


Microsoft Windows 7 Impact on Business Part 5

Part 5 - A Viable Solution Realizing the benefits of effectively organizing and indexing documents is only the tip of the iceberg when you consider the possibilities provided by a fully-featured document management system.  I have witnessed how companies have successfully refocused their employees from performing unproductive roles like constantly searching lost...


Microsoft Windows 7 Impact on Business Part 4

Part 4 - Productivity with Document Management Document management systems are designed to provide organizations with the tools necessary to capture and leverage their electronic content.  Modern document management systems will at minimum incorporate traditional indexing and searching functionality.  More advanced


Microsoft Windows 7 Impact on Business Part 2

Part 2 - Examining the Hype Windows Vista’s lack-luster commercial adoption coupled with a relentless onslaught of clever marketing by arch rival Apple compelled Microsoft to get Windows 7 right. The invention of Microsoft Windows came about to provide users access to applications and configuration options that were once only...


Records Management Principles

I noticed today that ARMA - the national association of Records Managers and independent authority on all things records management related, was getting some attention on their Generally Accepted Recordkeeping Principles (GARP). I thought that readers here might be interested as well. For anyone developing policy, putting together a new operational plan, or just...


Next Generation Document Locator Roadmap Co-Authored with Microsoft

Our engineering team here at ColumbiaSoft met one-on-one with Microsoft’s top software, database, and network engineers at the Mountain View Technology Center recently in an architecture design summit.  This laid out the groundwork for a co-authored roadmap for the next generation of the Document Locator document management system. The...