Author - Cheryl Teigen

Disciplinary Action triggers policy update

When Disciplinary Action Triggers the Need to Update Policies

Disciplinary action can sometimes uncover incomplete or outdated policies. This is an opportunity to update these policies. To do this, it helps to have an understanding of how policies have been followed over time. It is also important to develop an effective strategy for distributing updated policies throughout your organization.  

What happens when a disciplinary action triggers the need to...

Documentation A universal challenge for HR

Documentation. A Universal Challenge for HR

Travel log from Anaheim’s Employment Law Conference

At the 8th Annual Employment Law Seminar September 13th in Anaheim, there was one message consistent across all the speakers’ presentations.  HR Documentation. Of course, we all know how important documentation is, especially for HR.  However, there were several details presented I thought interesting to share.

Organizing the HR paper trail

For interactions...

HR-Filing cabinets eating up valuable square footage-blog - Document Locator

Top 10 Reasons to Save Space with Digital HR Filing

Recover valuable office space by moving from filing cabinets to electronic storage in HR

A common theme we’ve been hearing this year is the elimination of storage needed for paper personnel records.  Several clients have come to us with a corporate office location that is moving and the new space not having storage for HR filing cabinets.  Wow, that’s cold turkey!


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Corrective Action in HR in the Spotlight at HR Answers’ Workshop

From a document management standpoint, the final corrective action write-ups are just the very final stage of a very long, complete process. 

At the recent HR Answers workshop on Corrective Action in HR (thank you Paul!), I was impressed with how much background was shared on the complete process. In a tight labor market, culture in an organization is...

PHRMA Luncheon Workshop-Paper HR Files to Electronic - Document Locator

Project Considerations When Moving from Paper HR Files to Electronic

Key takeaways from PHRMA’s January 2019 Luncheon + Workshop: HR Project Success Factors - The Five Factors You Need On Every Project

PHRMA’s luncheon + workshop on January 16 covered some critical elements that are valuable when considering a project to move from paper files to electronic for HR records.  Eric Verzuh gave a very engaging presentation of...