Tag - columbiasoft

Weekly Web Demos Give First Hand Look at Document Management

When considering new enterprise software, demos are almost always a step in the process. Very few people ever buy an ERP system, or deploy a CRM system, without first kicking the tires. Document management usually falls in the same category... And we agree, it's good to see and learn before you buy. That's why we hold...


The Countdown is on… Document Locator v5.2

The countdown is on, and it's been all hands on deck here at ColumbiaSoft as we approach a pending version release for Document Locator. For trivia masters, this will technically be our ninth major release of the software (although it will be labeled as version 5.2). And as with all significant releases that came before it,...


The collaboration puzzle: an informative session

If you missed the AEC Technology Strategies 2008 conference put on by Zweig White a couple of weeks ago, you don't have to miss one of the important conference sessions. The Collaboration Puzzle: Fitting SharePoint and BIM into a Collaboration Framework is now available for a second-chance viewing online. This...


Collaboration, SharePoint and BIM on the topic at AEC Tech Conference

This Document Management Blog's very own Carl Azar will be speaking on a topic of current concern in the AEC industry this week at ZweigWhite's AEC Technology Strategies Conference in Las Vegas. He will be joined by Burns & McDonnell Engineering's Vice President and Chief Technical Officer Gregory...


The paper chase.

We've all seen it at one point or another. The "paper chase" is that routine paper-driven process that happens over and over again, but for some reason is still operating in an ancient pre-digital area. Accounting offers a good example, where some companies are ahead of the curve, and others are still passing paper. Here's a pretty generic scenario that applies...


FIATECH – day two

Random notes: Lots of talk today about ISO 15926, which is the data integration standard initiative for FIATECH. Here’s how FIATECH describes the standard: “ISO 15926 is an International Standard for the representation of lifecycle information for process plants, including oil and gas production facility. This is specified by a generic, conceptual data model that is...