
Find more information on document management and how Document Locator can help in the resources section of our blog.

Collaboration with Internal Controls

The road to true collaboration with your business partners begins with developing an exceptional system of internal controls. For document intensive organizations, those controls are implemented using a robust document management system. When selecting a document management system for your organization, you will want to research systems that support collaboration as well as metadata indexing, workflow routing, fast searching, document...


Document management drives successful nuclear quality assurance audits

So here's a recent success story worth a mention: A manufacturing company that implemented Document Locator into their Quality department received a higher return on investment than they anticipated. The process resulted in the company receiving accreditation for selling their manufactured products into a lucrative new market. The primary business driver for purchasing document management was to strengthen document control activities...


Email archiving, document delivery, Acrobat integration, more in latest Document Locator release

After nine months of planning, coding, QA testing, and Beta evaluations... the big day is finally here: Today ColumbiaSoft released its ninth edition of our document management software - Document Locator Version 5.2. For those who are interested in: Email compliance, discovery or retrieval, Document delivery (file hand-off), Adobe Acrobat integration and digital signatures, or Improved document workflow ... This release...


Weekly Web Demos Give First Hand Look at Document Management

When considering new enterprise software, demos are almost always a step in the process. Very few people ever buy an ERP system, or deploy a CRM system, without first kicking the tires. Document management usually falls in the same category... And we agree, it's good to see and learn before you buy. That's why we hold at least two live,...


The Document Management Galaxy

An interesting poster arrived in the mail today. A galactic map of the Silicon Forest Universe. And right there, not so far, far away, was ColumbiaSoft's own galaxy nestled between the 4th and 5th rings of the massive Tektronix universe. The poster is a second generation of the map to result from research by Virginia Tech University and Portland State University....


IRS Section 179 May Help With Internal Selling

We talk a lot about Document Management here, without a lot of particulars on how to get it, or as importantly, how to explain its value to others. That's intentional, because we are not "salesy" in this blog, rather just informative. But, something struck me in a meeting with a finance company the other day that seemed would be helpful...


In our customer’s shoes

Developing software applications that solve real-world problems requires getting to know your market space. For software companies this typically involves aggregating data from a number of sources including customers, support personnel, enhancement requests, sales staff, and post-mortems from consulting engagements. While there is no doubt that normal requirements gathering techniques help, there is no better way to understand your customers’...


V5.2 Preview Digital Signatures with Adobe Acrobat

When Document Locator v5.2 is made available, some new bells and whistles are included that existing and prospective customers have requested. I could certainly go into endless detail about the various product enhancements that have been added or mention the notably increased performance made against our internal benchmarks, but not today. Rather I felt like commenting on how PDFs –...


The Countdown is on… Document Locator v5.2

The countdown is on, and it's been all hands on deck here at ColumbiaSoft as we approach a pending version release for Document Locator. For trivia masters, this will technically be our ninth major release of the software (although it will be labeled as version 5.2). And as with all significant releases that came before it, this one will add...