
How do your emails stay relevant in retirement?

I recently read that product managers categorically receive the most emails in the company. Reading this brought a grin across my face - misery loves company. My email inbox gets bombarded daily with product enhancement ideas, consulting proposals, internal questions, meeting requests, and industry articles. For me, it’s an imperative that our employees have...


FIATECH – day two

Random notes: Lots of talk today about ISO 15926, which is the data integration standard initiative for FIATECH. Here’s how FIATECH describes the standard: “ISO 15926 is an International Standard for the representation of lifecycle information for process plants, including oil and gas production facility. This is specified by a generic, conceptual data model that is...


FIATECH conference – day one

Day 1 at FIATECH, and I thought the most interesting session was by Barry LePatner, who focused on “How to fix America’s broken construction industry.” As you can tell, LePatner argues that Construction is uniquely broken among U.S. industries, and is essentially continuing to do business the same way and with the same technology as 100 years ago. Here are...


The Email revolution is over

Like every good (and bad) revolution before it, the Email revolution is fading. Not that we won't be using email anymore... just the opposite. Email has become so routine and essential to our daily lives and business that it is no longer revolutionary. It's ordinary. Just a decade ago, when I wanted to send a written message I typed away in...