
Document Locator v6.1 ships today with performance boost and document archiving

Another milestone in the history of document management happened today, when we released our latest version of Document Locator software. This release has performance improvements and new PDF technology for archiving documents. Several core file actions such as check-in/check-out, copy-and-paste, update profile, get latest version, are optimized for faster performance in virtual private networks (VPN), wide area networks (WAN), and over the...


Document Locator v6 includes business process automation and reporting

Today marks the release of ColumbiaSoft Document Locator v6.  Version 6.0 enhances many of Document Locator’s greatest document management features including seamless integration into Microsoft Windows Explorer and Microsoft Office while expanding into new areas including business process management and real-time reporting analytics for all of ColumbiaSoft’s customers.  We are excited to see how our customers can transform and automate...


ColumbiaSoft is moving, with no worries for document storage

Moving a company headquarters office from one location can trigger discussions on all manner of topics, from how close one department is located to another, to how much of that expensive real estate is allocated to document storage. Fortunately for us, the latter discussion over document storage space will not be an issue when we make our big move in just...


AP Workflow Automation on display at CFMA 2009 Caesars Palace, Las Vegas

In 1981, New Jersey CPA David Casey founded the Construction Financial Management Association (CFMA) to provide a forum for gathering and exchanging ideas as well to provide educational programs for construction finance professionals.  CFMA has since transformed from a small regional association into a national organization with over 7,000 members including general contractors, subcontractors, developers, construction managers, architects, engineers, and...


Webinar shows 7 ways document control can help bottom line in a down economy

In these uncertain economic times, most companies are faced with the challenge of how to maximize returns on tighter margins. It’s a do-more-with-less strategy that requires business operations be optimized now to meet current economic realities. One area to consider for improving the bottom line is to look at how information is managed in the organization. This includes all the content,...


Document Storage Webinar Recording

In an age where as many as half of us spend two hours or more per day just looking for the information we need to do our jobs... anything that speeds our interaction with knowledge adds up to big gains in efficiency. Electronic document storage is one way to narrow the gap, in a big way. This is because documents...


Document Locator added to Construction Specification Institute’s GreenFormat

Reducing paper usage is one way all of us can be more green. And this is true with builders and property owners too... who are especially interested in greener approaches in the construction of new buildings, factories, and infrastructure. With that in mind, ColumbiaSoft announced today that it has listed its Document Locator software which is used by architecture, engineering...


Next Generation Document Management with 64bit Windows Support

The last two decades of mainstream personal computers have been based on a 32-bit architecture.  That design allowed the computer to access 2 to the 32nd power of memory addresses (4 GB of RAM).  When the design was incorporated in the first x86 processors in the 1980s, the average PC ran on only 4 megabytes of RAM (4 MB) meaning...


Webinar to reveal that hard drives are cheaper than warehouses

It can't be said any more succinctly than it was summed up by a Document Locator user at State Mutual Life & Health: "Hard drives are cheaper than warehouses." The storage of paper is a burdensome cost that, when you consider it, really brings no return or adds any value to a company. Office space consumed by filing cabinets or archive...


Microsoft Gold Certified Partner

It's official... we are Gold Certified for another year. Today, ColumbiaSoft announced that it has renewed its partnership with Microsoft. One aspect of this announcement that is significant is that this will be our 6th straight year of being a Gold Certified Partner - the highest level of partnership possible, and no small accomplishment. But, another important point to be...