
Ready for SQL Server 2012

With Microsoft just days away from the expected announcement of the new SQL Server 2012,  it's timely to note for users of Document Locator that the latest version of the document management system is already compatible. Having pre-release, developer editions of the new SQL database technology, ColumbiaSoft engineers designed compatibility into version 6.1. No worries about backwards compatibility either,  the latest...


Microsoft Windows 7 Impact on Business Part 5

Part 5 - A Viable Solution Realizing the benefits of effectively organizing and indexing documents is only the tip of the iceberg when you consider the possibilities provided by a fully-featured document management system.  I have witnessed how companies have successfully refocused their employees from performing unproductive roles like constantly searching lost...


Microsoft Windows 7 Impact on Business Part 4

Part 4 - Productivity with Document Management Document management systems are designed to provide organizations with the tools necessary to capture and leverage their electronic content.  Modern document management systems will at minimum incorporate traditional indexing and searching functionality.  More advanced


Microsoft Windows 7 Impact on Business Part 2

Part 2 - Examining the Hype Windows Vista’s lack-luster commercial adoption coupled with a relentless onslaught of clever marketing by arch rival Apple compelled Microsoft to get Windows 7 right. The invention of Microsoft Windows came about to provide users access to applications and configuration options that were once only...


Microsoft Windows 7 Impact on Business

The release of the Microsoft Windows 7 operating system will positively transform how employees interact with and utilize technology in their organization.  To learn more about Windows 7 and its impact on business, I invite you to read through our multi-part blog outlining the future of business computing.    Part 1 Corporate Adoption Technology workers...


Next Generation Document Locator Roadmap Co-Authored with Microsoft

Our engineering team here at ColumbiaSoft met one-on-one with Microsoft’s top software, database, and network engineers at the Mountain View Technology Center recently in an architecture design summit.  This laid out the groundwork for a co-authored roadmap for the next generation of the Document Locator document management system. The...


Next Generation Document Management with 64bit Windows Support

The last two decades of mainstream personal computers have been based on a 32-bit architecture.  That design allowed the computer to access 2 to the 32nd power of memory addresses (4 GB of RAM).  When the design was incorporated in the first x86 processors...


Autodesk University 2008 focused on Sustainable Practices

Sustainable engineering and design headlined Autodesk University for 2008.  The theme was featured via a series of classes and exhibits throughout the conference.  And more than just a theme... Autodesk showcased its own renewable design by manufacturing this year’s conference bags using recycled...


Bulk export and import a must for any document management system

Time and time again, we are approached by prospective customers who want nothing more than to escape the shackles of their existing system and find a better document management system.  They're frustrated with their legacy system’s functionality, interface design, and the "customer-no-service". Having experienced the drawbacks of their existing systems, they are easily...