
Find more information on document management and how Document Locator can help in the resources section of our blog.

Document Management crosses paths with IT Systems Management

While we specialize in all things document management, our work puts us in good company with professionals having all manner of expertise in other areas of technology. Afterall, to run electronic document management software, you need to be "electronic". One such connection is with an IT service provider that happens to be here in our local town, Portland, Oregon....


A year of productivity

It’s our natural habit this time of year to reflect briefly, and take a few glances forward. The successes of our customers; advancements in the document management system; the achievements of the company… there are so many perspectives to consider. 2011 was the year that Document Locator version 6 came into its own. Originally released late in the...


The making of a smart office

What makes a smart office is? A lot of things. Smart people are part of the equation. But they're not the only factor, or perhaps even the most important. I've had the opportunity in the past to work with some very smart people - much smarter than me, in offices that were less than successful. Innate human intelligence alone doesn't always...


Team Office Technologies brings document management to Ohio

Companies in Ohio and western Pennsylvania may have known about Team Office Technologies – a well-regarded printing and information technology company in the area, for some time. Now, we’re glad that we know them too. Team Office is our newest technology network member, and is already helping businesses in the Ohio region go paperless with Document Locator


Cheers to ACEC friends at benefit tournament

Cheers to all our friends and members at ACEC! We enjoyed a great day on the course at last week's ACEC Oregon Annual Networking Day Benefit Golf Tournament & Dinner, and many thanks to everyone who stopped by to visit with us on the 10th hole! It was a great day, and great cause... with ACEC...


Virtualizing Document Management Software

There are many technologies to consider when implementing a virtualization plan. Document Locator is mostly technology agnostic... our customers pretty much can choose to virtualize their document management system however best works for them and their circumstances. VMWare, however, is one of the choices. Just recently after the folks at VMWare realized that...


Leading the Way with Document Management in Fargo ND

As economic conditions improve nationwide, Fargo, North Dakota is one area of the country leading the way. Business there runs smartly, and Forbe's recently recognized this fact in their 2010 report of "Best Places for Business and Careers". Fargo placed in the top 10 on the list... in ninth place to be specific, of best small metros across the entire...


Save on printing costs

So much ballyhoo was made recently about the University of Wisconsin's novel cost-cutting measure: Changing the default font in their email system from the standard Arial typeface to Century Gothic. They discovered that Century Gothic is a lighter, thinner font that uses about 30% less ink than Arial when printed. As news of the university's discovery streamed over the...


Wishing all a Happy Holidays, paperlessly.

Every year ColumbiaSoft, like so many corporations, is eager to extend a cheerful holiday "best wishes" to customers and friends. It's a way of showing our gratitude and appreciation, and just staying in touch. But being a developer of electronic document management software, it just doesn't fit our style to send paper cards the old fashioned way via the...