Digital Filing Cabinet

Paperless HR Infographic Blog Image - Document Locator

Infographic: The Problem with HR Filing Cabinets

Intriguing facts about the costs and difficulties of managing employee records in filing cabinets are revealed in this informative Paperless HR infographic.

Are you aware that ten HR filing cabinets can cost nearly $3,000 per year in space alone? And that twenty filing cabinets in the HR record room can weigh as much as a mid-size car? These facts and more...

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Top 10 Reasons to Save Space with Digital HR Filing

Recover valuable office space by moving from filing cabinets to electronic storage in HR

A common theme we’ve been hearing this year is the elimination of storage needed for paper personnel records.  Several clients have come to us with a corporate office location that is moving and the new space not having storage for HR filing cabinets.  Wow, that’s cold turkey!
