Virtualizing Document Management Software

There are many technologies to consider when implementing a virtualization plan. Document Locator is mostly technology agnostic... our customers pretty much can choose to virtualize their document management system however best works for them and their circumstances. VMWare, however, is one of the choices. Just recently after the folks at VMWare realized that some of their customers were using their...


Ways to Green Your Business on Earth Day

On this 40th anniversary of Earth Day, more people - and businesses - than ever are searching for ways to get actively involved and reduce their carbon footprint. The people of Planet Earth have come a long ways in 40 years, but we are all still learning new ways to go further in our environmental efforts. We've seen the rise in...


Leading the Way with Document Management in Fargo ND

As economic conditions improve nationwide, Fargo, North Dakota is one area of the country leading the way. Business there runs smartly, and Forbe's recently recognized this fact in their 2010 report of "Best Places for Business and Careers". Fargo placed in the top 10 on the list... in ninth place to be specific, of best small metros across the entire...


Save on printing costs

So much ballyhoo was made recently about the University of Wisconsin's novel cost-cutting measure: Changing the default font in their email system from the standard Arial typeface to Century Gothic. They discovered that Century Gothic is a lighter, thinner font that uses about 30% less ink than Arial when printed. As news of the university's discovery streamed over the radio, the...


Paperless Solutions on display at the Energy Trust Better Living Show in Portland

The average office worker uses a sheet of paper every 12 minutes, over 10,000 sheets of paper a year, and disposes of 100 to 200 pounds of paper annually. Document management helps businesses reduce the need for paper, and take a paperless approach. With paperless document management software, businesses store and share paper electronically so that the need for printing and shipping of paper...


Digital documents expands an employees ability to work remote

A recent trend I am seeing with our customers is the desire to enhance their business infrastructure to support having employees work remote.  This arrangement benefits businesses in a number of ways including helping employee morale, allows for business continuity when weather strikes, saves space on real estate, and allows for increased productivity from their staff. Creating an environment permitting employees...


Here's some interesting facts about paper…

I read somewhere recently that the Environmental Paper Network (an organization with a "treatise that is meant to unify the efforts of environmental organizations in advancing environmental and social responsibility within the paper production and consumption cycle") has calculated that if businesses were to cut their paper usage by 10%, it would reduce by 1.6 million tons the amount of...


Document Management Advances with Technology

While the technology that drives document management marches forward (Windows 7, SQL Server, .NET), the business objectives of the clients are essentially unchanged.  Clients greatly need solutions for scanning paper documents, applying index information, routing documents through workflow processes, maintaining document retention policies, collaborating around documents, providing for disaster recovery, and easily searching for documents. Whether companies are large or small,...


Microsoft Windows 7 Impact on Business Part 5

Part 5 - A Viable Solution Realizing the benefits of effectively organizing and indexing documents is only the tip of the iceberg when you consider the possibilities provided by a fully-featured document management system.  I have witnessed how companies have successfully refocused their employees from performing unproductive roles like constantly searching lost documents into roles that directly derive revenue for the...