Integrated Document Management in v5.1

Posted by: Jim Kemp Category: Resources Tags: , , , ,

It’s officially out there – our latest release of Document Locator raises the bar more than a little with new integration technologies. I’ll leave the details to those who want to read more about Document Locator v5.1, but in short – it’s now possible to connect document management directly to other business applications. So, for example, if Document Locator were to be integrated with your accounting system, Bob over in accounts payable could – with a simple key-click on any field in the accounting software – instantly retrieve all documents related to the content in that field. Bob never has to leave the application he is working in, yet he is able to search and retrieve from across the document management system used by the entire company.

The potential benefits here are enormous, because this kind of integration allows people to stay within their own line-of-business applications they are already comfortable with and using on a day-to-day basis, while everyone uses the same system for managing their documents and information.

Our integration with Prolog – a construction project management application – is our first showcase solution for integrated document management. In the case of Prolog, it’s construction project managers who need quick and easy access to documents (like invoices being processed by accounting, for example) .

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