Students in Deggendorf get hands-on with Document Locator

Posted by: Jim Kemp Category: Newsroom, Smart Office Tags: , , , , , ,

Students of content management at Deggendorf Institute of Technology outside Munich, Germany are using Document Locator to learn document management.
Education is important to us at ColumbiaSoft. We jump at the opportunity to help schools, particularly those with programs designed to prepare a new generation of information management professionals for their careers.

Meet Simon Preis: adjunct professor at Deggendorf Institute of Technology.

Simon Preis is a systems analyst and project manager with one of our customers, an international technology company which uses Document Locator for information management within their enterprise.

He also happens to be an adjunct professor (docent) at Deggendorf Institute of Technology in Germany.

Located about 100km outside of Munich, Deggendorf is a young, fast-growing institution with a focus on engineering, business and infomatics. Last year, Preis taught a class on production-planning systems. This year, it’s content management – his specialty.

Preis wanted to bring Document Locator into the classroom.

Preis has two years’ experience as the application owner of Document Locator at the international enterprise where he works. As he was considering topics for his curriculum at Deggendorf this year, he wanted to bring that experience to bear.

Yet he didn’t want to stop at theory; he wanted to build a course around practical application.

That’s when he got the idea to bring Document Locator into the classroom. Of course, Preis knew that the purchase of multiple licenses would have been well beyond his classroom budget – so instead, he asked if we could provide use of the software for class instruction.

We said absolutely, we’ll make that happen.

We’re proud to announce that ColumbiaSoft has provided use of Document Locator software at Deggendorf Institute of Technology to teach a new generation of content managers. All the software, support, as well as a standard configuration and materials will be available for educational purposes for the duration of the class.

About 50 students will be using the software in this class, all undergraduates in their final semester, whose course of study has a double focus: both business and informatics. Equipped with this particular degree, they’ll go on to become liaisons between departments: standing at the intersection of technology and business, building a bridge between the two.

Document Locator is the heart of the class, where students will learn by doing.

The new class, Content Management and Document Engineering, will begin with an overview of document management: its history, its business and legal requirements and its future.

From there, Preis will put theory into practice by demonstrating how the software works. Technical processes, automation in general (business process automation in particular), security management, integration and workflow will feature prominently. The last chapter of the class will explore the architecture behind the system.

Each student will get hands-on practice with Document Locator, both directly and interactively, in the classroom and at home. In so doing, they’ll develop the skills to model processes, analyze business requirements, set up an architecture and integrate systems. Preis hopes to teach the course again next year, possibly as soon as next autumn.

From there, they’ll go into the workforce and make a difference.

Every business is different, and every attempt at business automation involves a tangle of high-stakes concerns, security issues, workflow, integration. We believe this course will help these students navigate that terrain, making their organizations more efficient, more compliant.

In so doing, they’ll be making a difference. Instead of wasting human time and talent on everyday tasks and operations, they’ll be helping their teams work smarter and faster, with fewer errors and better results.

At ColumbiaSoft, we live and breathe information management. It’s about making people’s lives easier. It’s about getting away from meaningless busy-work, and taking advantage of human capital. It’s about helping people use their gifts in a way that really matters.

By supporting the students of Deggendorf, we hope to help the next generation achieve those larger goals.

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