Microsoft Windows 7 Impact on Business Part 4

Part 4 – Productivity with Document Management

Document management systems are designed to provide organizations with the tools necessary to capture and leverage their electronic content.  Modern document management systems will at minimum incorporate traditional indexing and searching functionality.  More advanced document management systems include integration with Microsoft Windows 7, workflow routing, digital signatures, records retention policies, event subscriptions, compliance audit logs, scanning interfaces, email archive features and more.

Historically companies have invested very little effort in managing their corporate documents.  Many companies throw away countless resource hours annually searching for documents, or they have given up finding documents altogether and simply reproduce work because of their inability to quickly locate business critical documents.

By not implementing corporate document policies and tools, document storage chaos evolves with users storing documents on their private network shares (or local computers), using their own naming standards, version identifiers, and folder structure design.  This results in information that is indefinitely siloed; useful only to the original author because of the storage conventions used, lack of records management policies applied, and the inability to include index information to facilitate searching. The problem is compounded when email archiving is brought into play.

Part 5 – up next, A Viable Solution

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