Smart Office

My DL: a New Way to Navigate

My DL is a great way to access files without navigating through a folder structure—type in a few search terms, for example, or pull up a list of your most recent documents, to find what you need quickly. It’s fun watching innovation at work, a regular privilege in the software and technology industries. As we hear rumors of Windows Blue, it’s...


Technological Change – Disruption and Resistance

Change is inevitable - except from a vending machine.  ~Robert C. Gallagher Early computer users existed in a world of DOS character-based screens replete with C:\ prompts, command lines and a wide variety of keyboard key combinations to navigate the system. All that started to change in 1985 when Microsoft released Windows 1.0. The first version of...


6 Paperless Procedures for HR Admins

1.     I-9 Form Retention Policy The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services has updated the familiar I-9 form to a two page form. They've made the job of filling out the form easier, and provided employers with ample excuse to review our I-9's. Here at ColumbiaSoft, it also means reviewing our automated retention policy. If you haven’t updated your forms yet...



“Prediction is very difficult, especially if it's about the future.” --Niels Bohr - Danish Physicist   On the eve of the Year 2000 Millennium I ventured to the Kingdom of Tonga, a remote South Pacific archipelago comprising 176 islands scattered over 270,000 square miles at the edge of the International Dateline. The idea was to be one of the first to celebrate the...


Organizing folder structures

Folder organization - how folders and sub folders are arranged, impacts productivity. As people search for documents, they often bounce around folders from one project to another project, one client to another client, and so on. What if folder hierarchies of particular subject areas were consistent with one another? Folder automation makes it easy. It replaces guesswork...


Giving all to the present…technology

“Real generosity towards the future lies in giving all to the present.” --Albert Camus, Notebooks 1935-1942 It’s rather amusing (ironic? appropriate?) that fingers have gone from the single most primitive tool in our arsenal, used for throwing rocks and picking berries, to the way that we navigate Windows 8. The steps in between these two instances...


Painless File Dependencies

There are two places where file dependencies have always lived and thrived (and always will, no doubt): in architectural drawings, and in accounting. In fact, file dependencies have a long and bloody history, and people rarely give it any thought, except to be grateful that they’re so much more easily managed now. Back in the day, architectural and engineering drawings and...


Paperwork is universal

One of the more fascinating things about working here at ColumbiaSoft is getting to speak with a lot of different kinds of people across a lot of different industries. Paperwork is universal... No one is immune. But there are plenty of times where I’m talking to someone about their paperwork problems, and I’ve practically rubbed elbows with their problems, and it’s...


Stop routing paper invoices

In a world where just about everything is digital, invoices arrive at most businesses in paper form still. Even those that arrive electronically by email or digital fax are often printed and then sometimes re-scanned. Well, if you agree it's time to stop routing paper invoices, you might be interested in this quick video introduction to paperless AP processing using DL. Check...