Author - Tara Garrett

A Coffee Break & Demo of Document Locator

I sat down today to write some letters to those who attended my most recent Coffee Break and Demo from last week, which was focused on Accounts Payable automation. Writing the letters felt a little ironic, given that we’re a business that takes people paperless. It’s different, however, when it’s an intelligent, direct communication, rather than a piece of internal bureaucracy....


My DL: a New Way to Navigate

My DL is a great way to access files without navigating through a folder structure—type in a few search terms, for example, or pull up a list of your most recent documents, to find what you need quickly. It’s fun watching innovation at work, a regular privilege in the software and technology industries. As we hear rumors of Windows Blue, it’s...


Transitioning to the eTMF: Part 2

A couple of weeks ago, I discussed the TMF Reference Model, how it came about, why it’s important. The level of organization is thorough and in depth. As someone who arranges the contents of their closet by color, sleeve length, and fabric weight, I find this extremely practical and spiritually fulfilling. Not kidding. That was all background, so that you would...


Transitioning to the eTMF

Do you have a regulatory soul? A VP of Regulation & Compliance told me that I did, a few months ago, when I collaborated with them to build a repeatable folder structure that aligns with the updated eTMF Reference Model guidelines that the DIA released last year. Honestly, though, if you’re going to have valuable files that document a sensitive procedure like...


Giving all to the present…technology

“Real generosity towards the future lies in giving all to the present.” --Albert Camus, Notebooks 1935-1942 It’s rather amusing (ironic? appropriate?) that fingers have gone from the single most primitive tool in our arsenal, used for throwing rocks and picking berries, to the way that we navigate Windows 8. The steps in between these two instances...