Routing Documents for Approvals Quickly | Document Locator

Posted by: Tara Garrett Category: Smart Office

When I think about how much time is wasted on routing paper around an office, I despair. It’s painful. Did you know, every time that you have to pause what you’re doing, in order to answer someone’s email, print off the document they need you to sign, scan it back in, and email it to the appropriate person, not only do you spend 5 to 10 minutes on that task, but it takes you at least another 10 minutes to regain the concentration and attention to task that you had prior to the interruption? How often does this happen to you?

In fact, just to be tongue in cheek about it, the experience could look something like this:

Maybe Pluto’s experience isn’t entirely representative of yours–but I bet you empathized like crazy, didn’t you? There’s a reason that you were laughing!

All of that hassle truly isn’t necessary anymore–one of the greatest features in digitizing something like Accounts Payable, or Human Resources, or Quality, (or anything,) is being able to leverage the workflow automation–the ability to make the routing and review/approval of documents something that takes seconds, rather than minutes.

If you have a moment, take a moment to compare Pluto’s experience with ours here at ColumbiaSoft; you’ll see what I mean.

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