policy management

Policy Assessment

Four Questions to Help Improve Policy Management

Answering a few short questions in our policy management assessment will give you instant feedback and suggestions on ways to improve how you manage important policies and procedures at your company.

Any professional tasked with developing and administrating policies knows all too well the challenges that must be overcome. Policy creation, file management, employee access, and communication regarding new and updated...


Keeping Records Organized for FMLA

The burden to accurately document and track records for FMLA lies solely with the employer; an HR Document Management system can help.

One of the biggest mistakes a company can make when it comes to FMLA administration is allowing the processes to be handled differently from case to case Businesses that employ 50 or more workers, as well as all public...

Disciplinary Action triggers policy update

When Disciplinary Action Triggers the Need to Update Policies

Disciplinary action can sometimes uncover incomplete or outdated policies. This is an opportunity to update these policies. To do this, it helps to have an understanding of how policies have been followed over time. It is also important to develop an effective strategy for distributing updated policies throughout your organization.  

What happens when a disciplinary action triggers the need to...


Secrets of policy and procedure management revealed

Policies and procedures represent the underpinning of an orderly, efficient, and regulatory-compliant business. They are vitally important where regulatory controls and compliance are a concern. However, managing policies and procedures have long been considered complex and burdensome. Oversight, change management, communication, and the many other tasks involved with policy and procedure management are made even more complicated when this process is...