Paperless HR at #SHRM18 – See Image Gallery; Looking Forward To #SHRM19

SHRM18 Overview2
Posted by: Jim Kemp Category: Events, Human Resources, Newsroom Tags: ,

HR File Management was a topic of much interest at the biggest human resources conference of the year, SHRM18 in Chicago, and already we’re looking forward to next year’s gathering of HR professionals in Las Vegas at SHRM19!

We met with hundreds of HR professionals from across North America and beyond in our Paperless HR booth. Many told us how they are storing their workforce records on paper in filing cabinets and boxes, and for most people this is a real concern. It’s safe to say that by next year’s SHRM19, more than a few people we spoke with will no longer be dealing with the hassles of paper records.

Paperless HR Webinar

Several people we met at the show have already signed up for our upcoming webinar on July 10th. We’re going to show more of how Document Locator provides a secure but familiar environment for storing employee records (and other files) electronically.

Register here:


Congratulations Paperless HR Giveaway Winners!

Thanks to everyone for stopping by and entering our contest! Congratulations to the winners of the $1,000 Paperless HR Giveaway drawings:

  • Renee S
  • Jesse Z
  • Marsha B

SHRM18 proved to be the biggest ever, with 17,128 attendees plus 706 companies exhibiting (with another 3,834 people). That’s nearly 21,000 people in all! SHRM (Society of Human Resource Management) is the largest HR professional society in the world, with 285,000 members in more than 165 countries.

#SHRM18 Image Gallery

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