Next generation of document management software being trialed

Posted by: Scott Zieg Category: Smart Office Tags: , , , , , ,

Successfully incorporating a document management system into your organization requires finding the right software, backed by the right people, to ensure the implementation is a success.  When searching for the right partner, expand your requirements beyond the immediate business objectives and ask the prospective vendor how they plan on serving your needs tomorrow as technology and business process change.

Solving tomorrow’s needs requires solution providers to work closely with customers and prospects alike in order to learn what’s working well for organizations and what potential solutions lay undiscovered in the document management sphere.  Equally as important, solution providers must have partnerships with mass-market software and hardware vendors such as Microsoft, Adobe, Autodesk, and Kodak in order to gain insight into future product directions.

As an established document management provider, ColumbiaSoft is uniquely positioned to work with its extensive customer base and software partnerships in formulating innovative product solutions.  The experiences of working closely with clients and partners are readily apparent in the latest generation of Document Locator.  The next release of Document Locator has been enhanced for increased performance, deeper integration in mainstream applications, and includes expanded features designed to help customers work more efficiently.

Enhancements to Document Locator v5.3 include:

  1. Integration into Microsoft Windows 64-bit operating systems
  2. Embedded Autodesk’s RealDWG technology for managing CAD files
  3. Drag and drop support into Document Locator’s web client (WebTools)
  4. Advanced .NET / JavaScript user interface updates for the web client (WebTools)
  5. Improved Windows Installer installation packages6. Productivity improvements in the area of scanning, document approvals, records management, disaster recovery, document search, email archive, and more…

Document Locator v5.3 beta is currently being trialed among existing customers to ensure success across varying deployments and industries, including AEC (architecture, engineering, and construction), government, insurance, consulting, and property management.  ColumbiaSoft is working closely with these beta customers to ensure the application is stable, user friendly, and most importantly is solving real business problems to benefit their organization.

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