Columbiasoft Is Looking Forward to CIS Oregon’s Annual Conference

Salem Convention Center
Posted by: Jim Kemp Category: Events, Newsroom Tags: ,

ColumbiaSoft is looking forward to CIS Oregon’s (Citycounty Insurance Services) ( annual conference this year, “Waves of Change, Oceans of Opportunity” and has completed a new case study highlighting CIS’s success with Document Locator.

The conference will be held February 22 to 24 at the Salem Convention Center.

CIS Citycounty Insurance Services

CIS was formed by the League of Oregon Cities and the Association of Oregon Counties. CIS meets the risk management and employee benefit needs of Oregon cities, counties and other local governments. They provide comprehensive property/liability, workers‘ compensation, and employee benefits coverage tailored to the needs of members.

For nearly a decade, CIS has used Document Locator as its fundamental file management system across the organization, electronically filing documents across all business units. Using Document Locator, CIS is able to serve up more documents and materials to members, with greater efficiency.

ColumbiaSoft will have an exhibit table on February 23 and we’re looking forward to showing CIS members how the organization is using Document Locator to improve their service, and how municipalities can benefit from the same technology. Over 500 managers and administrators from city and county municipalities across the state will attend the event. Among them Managers, Administrators, City Recorders, HR, and Finance at municipalities from across the state.


Read the CIS Case Study and see how document management can help.


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