Author - Shawn Marshall

ISO-9001 Document Control

The Critical Role of Document Control Software in ISO-9001 Compliance

Over a million companies are ISO-9001 certified. ISO-9001 is the worldwide standard for maintaining a Quality Management System (QMS). Document control software helps organizations meet these standards with greater ease and effectiveness. Managing the documentation for ISO-9001 compliance is no small undertaking. In the very early days of ISO-9001, document control was accomplished with a typewriter and a three-ring binder. Today...

Watch a Document Control Video

Watch a New 2-minute Document Control Video

When it comes to maintaining compliance with standards and regulations, a comprehensive document control software solution can be extremely valuable. When compared to paper-based solutions, or manual file management in a shared server environment, document control software has extreme advantages. It has built in intelligence that not only ensures files are managed properly by the appropriate users, but it also...

Process Consistency

Maintaining Consistency in Processes in a Remote Work Environment

Remote work is becoming more prevalent in our highly connected world. While these types of work environments offer many advantages, businesses must take care in assuring that organizational structures and consistency in business processes are maintained. Prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, remote work was on the rise. According to a Gallup report, 43% of U.S. workers telecommuted at least part...


Keeping Records Organized for FMLA

The burden to accurately document and track records for FMLA lies solely with the employer; an HR Document Management system can help. One of the biggest mistakes a company can make when it comes to FMLA administration is allowing the processes to be handled differently from case to case Businesses that employ 50 or more workers, as well as all public agencies...


EEOC Compliance and HR Record Keeping

It is the job of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) to administer and enforce civil rights laws against workplace discrimination. To comply with these laws, employers and HR professionals must educate and train employees, implement strong policies and procedures, and maintain strict record keeping practices. EEOC Compliance It’s a challenge for employers and HR professionals to strictly follow the laws enforced...

HR on the Watch in 2020

HR on the Watch in 2020

HR professionals are keeping a sharp eye on legislative changes taking effect in the new year, and new proposals under consideration as we enter a new decade. The new decade brings with it new state and federal legislation affecting employee rights. Some laws may radically reshape what it means to be a full-time employee vs. working part-time or operating as a...

HR takes on the challenges of a remote workforce - Document Locator

HR Takes on The Challenge of A Remote Workforce

How HR manages the needs and establishes the ground rules for remote workers As technology advances, more employees are working outside the office. With tools like video conferencing, remote access software, desktop sharing, and file management, it has never been easier to collaborate on projects and share ideas and resources remotely. Since 2005, the number of employees that work remotely has...

The Importance of Security in Human Resources - Document Locator

The Importance of Security in Human Resources

Security vulnerabilities every HR department should be concerned about HR professionals are, for the most part, in charge of an organization's most sensitive data. An HR department is typically tasked with the management of personal, financial, and health information, as well as other sensitive data such as credentials and proprietary secrets. Because of this, it's not surprising that there has been...


From File Cabinets to AI: The Changing HR Technology Landscape

Technology is rapidly changing our world. All aspects of life, from how we shop to how we communicate, are continually impacted by accelerating advancements in computing power and emerging technologies. Human resources is no exception. Over the last few decades, HR has transformed from single departments that mainly focused on hiring and payroll, to becoming an integral part of how...


Let’s discuss robots for a moment

We at ColumbiaSoft are very pleased to have community connections to the FIRST Robotics Competition teams at two high schools, Team 2915 'Pandamonium' of Riverdale High and Team 1065 "The Moose" of Osceola High. In the FIRST Robotics national competition, teams of high school students create autonomous robots which compete head-to-head at various pre-selected tasks. Successful teams combine the disciplines...