Going Paperless Enabled This Company to Tap Into Their Knowledgebase

document management case study-OPLF ColumbiaSoft
Posted by: Jim Kemp Category: Resources

Staff find it easier to tap the knowledge of important archives at Oregon Professional Liability Fund where the equivalent of hundreds of boxes worth of paper are managed electronically.

Critical Issue:
Archives containing useful information were difficult to search, making it hard to retrieve information.

An electronic document management system that manages hundreds of boxes worth of paper and makes it easier for fund staff to tap knowledge of important archives.

Established more than three decades ago, Oregon’s Professional Liability Fund is the mandatory provider of basic malpractice coverage for all Oregon lawyers in private practice–about 7,400 around the state.

Piles of Paper

Historically, insurance operations have been very paper intensive. Between underwriting and claims, the Fund was generating about 150 bankers boxes of files each year. The Fund’s work demands a very high level of accuracy, and a strong ability to properly file and retrieve specific documents. The consequences of just one misplaced file could be potentially devastating.

Before implementing document management software, finding a specific document required specialized knowledge of a particular section of the filing system. If information was stored off-site, finding what was needed was even more cumbersome. The difficulty with delving through pounds of paper often left useful archives untapped.

Out of The Box - Literally

Realizing the situation, the Fund moved to an electronic system in 2008.

Document Locator is being used to reduce the physical, mental and cost challenges involved with managing all of our paperwork…it has changed our archival material into a powerful reference tool available at all times, accessible with a minimum of training.”

Time and Cost Savings

It’s no secret that time is money and many of the Fund employees are attorneys or other highly- skilled professionals whose time is very valuable. While it’s difficult to ascertain the number of billing hours spent paging through paper looking for lost files, it’s safe to say that the ease of finding what’s needed now, instantly, with an electronic system is an asset to both the Fund and its clients.

Request a Document Management Software demo or read the full Oregon Professional Liability Fund case study.

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